Father Stefan

Stefan Paul Starzynski was born May 11, 1969 in Bangkok, Thailand to Paul and Florence Starzynski.  He grew up in Arlington and attended St. Ann’s Catholic Church.  Father Stefan holds a BA in Liberal Arts from Gannon University and graduated from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in 1996.  He is a diocesan priest in Arlington, VA where he was ordained on May 18, 1996.  He received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit two days later.

He has served as parochial vicar at St. Michael’s in Annandale, St. Mary’s in Old Town Alexandria, St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Fredericksburg, St. Patrick’s in Fredericksburg, St. Mary of Sorrows in Fairfax and currently serves at St. Timothy’s in Chantilly.  His duties include administering the sacraments, preparing couples for marriage, counseling and hospital visits among many other responsibilities.  He has offered talks on Theology of the Body, done Life in the Spirit seminars and served as a chaplain for Cursillo and Engaged Encounter Weekends.  Father Stefan’s compassion and concern for others makes him open and willing to extend a smile and share his time with everyone who calls upon him.

His healing masses offered on the second Saturday of each month at St. Mary of Sorrows are well attended from individuals who travel far and wide.  He also celebrates a Mass – Healing for the Family Tree on a periodic basis.

He is the co-founder of the  Paul Stefan Foundation of Our Lady of Guadalupe where he served as Spiritual Advisor for five years. Father Stefan has a passion and works tirelessly to help women in crisis pregnancies bring their children into the world.

Father Stefan’s first book, Miracles: Healing for a Broken World,  was released in April 2010 pre-orders from Amazon.com placed it as the top-selling Catholic book within the first 48 hours and was the top seller for the publisher, Our Sunday Visitor, for the month of March 2010.  It quickly required a second printing and can be found on the shelves of various bookstores and also at Target.  All of the authors royalties go to support the Paul Stefan Foundation.  He is prayerfully considering a second book.

An avid traveler, Father Stefan has been to Malaysia to speak at a Men’s Conference and to England, Ireland and Poland for several Healing Masses, talks and services.


127 thoughts on “Father Stefan”

  1. Fr. Stefan , loved your book, and I made a donation to Paul Stefan homes in amount you used to start them. God is great and I’m blessed to hear of his healing. Very similiar to William braham. Jesus is Lord. Daniel Jermansen

  2. Please Pray for the Healing of our Spiritual and Physical Illness of both my Husband and Myself. Also a prayer, for the Healing of our family tree.

    1. Dear Father Stefan Please offer up a family treemass for my Family and the generations also keep my son Ryan in your prayers to get good results in May on bloods and head scan to see if he has a tyroid gland and addisons disease my husband Martin has MS and has lost sight in left eye we are foutunate he is still walking and maninaging my daughter suffers from psoriasis and son Tony and wife Kelly are trying two years for a baby my brotherinlaw Johnnyboy has lung cancer and is in hospital and in need of prayers we lost my other brotherinlaw PJ last month to a Hart problems their are a lot more problems in our family with sick children hormonal problems in young and old and marriage brakeups which most seem to be affecting the boys in our family we are an Irish indigenous people called Irish Travellers we are very religious with strong belief in our Catholic faith and except our cross in hope and mercy but I feel we need prayers for family and generation from as many priest as I can get to say them as to many misfortunes at the same time seems to be affecting my family I hope you get this father and plz keep my son Ryan in your prayers to get good results in May I will keep you in my Prayers and all priests and their vocations and may our Lord Jesus Christ keep you in his sight and always guide you in all you do .Helen

  3. Father, please pray for my dad’s eyes. He is only 58 years old and was diagnosed with glaucoma. During the recent doctor consultation, the doctor said his progression is 4-5 times faster than usual, and that could mean blindness within 4-5 years. Oh Father, please pray that his glaucoma can stabilize as soon as possible. Thank you, father.

  4. Prayers for my family please
    There is so much anger and unhappiness within our home
    For health for my 15 year old son who has Friedrich ataxia
    Health happiness and peace for us all
    Please Father we need prayers so badly and need the Holy Spirit to enter our lives

  5. Father Stefan,
    Could you please pray for my six year old son. He is having a hard time pronouncing his words and tries very hard to speak clearly. He is need of a healing. Thank you so much.

  6. Fr. Stefan, we would be grateful if you could pray for my father, Mike, who has been suffering from a not-so-common cancer called Non-Hodgkin’s Skin Lymphoma. It’s a painful, debilitating and disfiguring disease for those who don’t respond to treatment. As a result, he has lost vision in one eye and now the cancer is growing around his good eye. Treatments have offered temporary relief, but eventually they have stopped working and the cancer has spread even more aggressively each time. Thank you – hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a Happy New Year… Alison

  7. Fr. Stefan, I have a friend in Middleburg, Va, whose husband is very sick with low kidney function verging on kidney failure. He was diagnosed suddenly in August. He’s young-ish (mid 50s) and has otherwise always been extremely healthy. The diagnosis was quite a surprise. He has decided to go off of dialysis. He doesn’t like it, and he thinks he has enough kidney function that he can get by. His wife is very worried and upset. This is a couple that has had a lot of suffering — infertility, and marital struggles. Can you please pray for this couple? Also, do you know of any healing masses or services in the Virginia area? I am writing from Massachusetts. I don’t know where to direct them. They need some spiritual support. They are lovely people, very devout. God has sent them many crosses. My heart is breaking for them. Thank you so much. God bless you.

  8. Hi, Father Stefan! It’s your favorite editor (the ex-Our Sunday Visitor employee) again. Thank you for praying for my daughter so long ago…she’s doing wonderfully since I asked for your intercession. Her back is much, much better than it ever was before. 🙂

    Now I’m asking for your special prayers for me, my very own self. I’m suffering from a weird hearing sensitivity now that, they tell me, affects only a small percentage of people…but it’s making daily life difficult. Can you pray for God’s healing touch for this? It will be greatly, greatly appreciated.

    Janet Butler

  9. Dear Father Stefan! Please pray for my mother Marietjie 61 years of age diagnosed with metastic melanoma cancer which spread to her lungs and brain. She is such a child of God and we believe God wants to heal. We need a miracle since the dr gave her only 12 more months! She is going through tough treatments, chemo and whole brain radiation! Please pray for her for complete healing. She is from Namibia (South West Africa). Thank you so much. God bless

  10. Fr. Stefan, please pray for my healing. I suffered a terrible adverse drug reaction six years ago which left me disabled. I can’t utilize modern medicine anymore in a lot of ways nor utilize natural supplements. My nervous system is so hypersensitive to everything and throws my whole internal wellbeing into total chaos that it is close to losing my mind. I have five beautiful children from 21-12 and I homeschool the school aged ones. I want to be able to continue to do God’s work in this along with my husband. Please pray for me Father. Thank you so much and God bless.

    1. Father, please pray for my fellow lay Carmelite, Donna, who was just diagnosed with brain cancer and in severe pain . Also a young mother, Jen who has beast cancer. I just finished your book and it gives us all hope. May God continue to hold you in His healing hands.

  11. Father Stefan, my daughter gave birth to a baby girl last Sunday the 17th. We are concerned the baby is not getting proper nutrition and about her general health. My daughter is not doing well either. Can you please pray for Olivia and Katie Sharp? Thank you.

  12. Blessed Father, please pray for my seventeen year old daughter. She was born with a chromosome syndrome causing her mental issues. She now has developed manic bipolar schizophrenia. We are devote Catholics. The Holy Trinity, Mass, the sacraments of reconciliation and Holy communion have kept me sane, but my daughter has her paternal grandfather’s mental illness. Medicine, therapy, MHMR programs, nothing
    works. I have faith in God, in the Mass, and in your ministry. Please include my daughter and me and her father’s family tree in your tremendous healing Masses. Please do not delay. The doctors say she is in danger of losing her mind permanently.

  13. Fr. Stefan, I know it wasn’t just dumb luck that I bumped into you at Inova Fairfax Hospital today!! Thank you so much on behalf of my mother, Louise, and my sister, Jeanne. Them unexpectedly receiving anointing of the sick, and your prayers, was truly heaven sent! God bless you.

  14. Dear Father Stefan, I just came upon your website and I am asking you to please pray for my son. He is a little over 2 years old and is having some severe speech delays. We are very worried about him as he does not talk nearly as much as other kids his age. We have him in speech therapy and it is helping a little but progress is very slow. Please pray for him!!

  15. I have a friend ,married ,father of two , in a desperate situation.. He is a wonderful talented, Catholic man. However; now unemployed and in serious trouble. He is thinking of suicide.
    Is there any tel.no where I could contact Father for help ?
    He lives near Our Lady of the Sorrows in , Va.


    1. Dorothy, I came upon this page and saw your post. Did anyone ever respond to your comment? Has your friend been referred to someone who can help?

  16. Dear Father Stefan,

    I am in desperate need of spiritual advice and physical and spiritual healing. Is it possible to arrange a meeting? It seems the more I try to serve God the larger the obstacles become and now I have been confronted with something I don’t think I can rise above without the help of a strong priest to guide me and pray for me.
    Thank you for your generous prayer for all in need.

  17. Dear Father Stefan, I have been desperately searching for a Healing Mass somewhere in my vicinity which is Southern Maryland. You see a very close friend of mine started out with lung cancer and has been taking treatments for 1 year which really wrecked her body. She was declared “cancer Free’ by doctors in July of this year. About a month after that it came back and to make a long story short it is now throughout her whole body and they don’t even know if she will make it to Christmas. This lady is a volunteer and works tirelessly to help homeless and abandoned animals. She also is trying to take care of her 80 something year old mother who has been diagnosed with the same thing just one month ago !She takes it all with grace and dignity and never complains. Could you please pray on her behalf that God might heal her and let her stay here to do all of the good that she does for her community. Her name is Deborah Riley. Thank you so much for all that you do and may God bless you richly. Thanking you in advance,

    1. Thank you Father so much. Will you be having any healing masses anytime soon or if not do you know of any I could bring her to? Her time is getting very short and she cannot travel very far because of the terrible fatigue from the cancer. She lives in Southern Maryland. Please Father any help you could give us would be wonderful. We are still all praying for a Christmas miracle for her. Thank you.

  18. Fr. Stefan,
    Please, when and where will your next healing mass be? I checked st. Timothy’s and I don’t see it in the bulletin.

    Thank you.

  19. Fr, Stefan, Could you please pray for my daughter Katie, for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. Thank you. God’s blessings.

  20. Mac Says;

    Fr Stefan,
    You have spoken eloquently and passionately on the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I was just listening to a series of talks (homilies) given by Fr. John Corapi on this subject that I thought you might be interested in hearing. Hear is Part 1.

    God Bless,

    Mac McSweeney

  21. Hello Fr. Stefan. My name is Gordon Carrico. I’ve been trying to find you for quite some time. I used to attend your healing masses at St. Bernard’s in Riverdale, Maryland. One of the last healing masses that attended at St. Bernard’s, my friends mother was cured of lymphoma. She had tumors the size of baseballs that were literally breaking through her skin. She had only been given a 30% chance to live. The mass was on Friday evening, when she went back to her doctor that following Monday they could no longer find a trace of cancer. Even the scars where the tumors had been breaking through her skin had completely healed over. Her doctor called it a miracle.

    I would like you to pray for my healing. I suffer with terrible depression, anxiety and migraine headaches. I also pray for enlightenment to help me discern my true calling / vocation. I know that the Lord intends me to use my voice in some way, but I’m not certain which path I should take.

  22. I just wanted to give you a great big ‘Thank You’ for all the people you are helping. Reading through some of the comments, I was wondering if you keep a list to take before Our Lord.:) If so, please jot down a general prayer for all FAMILIES. Satan is wielding a powerful blow to ALL FAMILIES as of late. He is doing this on multiple levels as you are aware, in the culture, in individual families and even in the Church. I do think that realizing his time is short he is getting more desperate and more aggressive by the day. The FAMILY is under a huge assault, world wide. Thank you again and may God Bless you with every Blessing!

  23. I thank God for sending you to us to be a prayer warrior for those in need most especially for those who are sick. Please include in you prayers my husband Efren for he was just newly diagnosed w/ liver cirrhosis due to hep b. He is a good man and a good father to our children. Please help us pray to jesus for him and the inercession of the blessed mother Mary to restore my husband’s health and give him more healthy life ahead. Thank you very much.

  24. Prayer request

    Dear in Christ Father
    I ask for prayer for healing of my 8 year old son Nicholas, who is after 4 heart surgeries as a result of which also suffers from cerebral palsy and epilepsy. And for us parents about the healing of neurosis and depression. Jesus I trust in You ! God bless you. Arek

  25. Dear Father Stefan,
    Please pray for healing for our 3 year old son. He has severe behavior problems that manifest as aggression, anger and out-of-control behavior. He is injurous to myself, his three older siblings, peers, and pets. He is so out of control that our family has had to modify our public outings due to his behavior. He even screams inappropriate things at strangers in public–frequently.
    I fear for the welfare of our soon to be born fifth child. I have concerns that he may never be able to go to school and may look forward to a long life of heavy medication without some heavenly intervention. I cannot tell you of the anguish that this has placed upon my heart as a mother.
    Please, please, please pray for his healing. And if it’s okay, I would like to say a thank you novena for you and for your willingness to help others, as well as for additional strength and blessings for you in your vocation.
    Thank you!!

    1. Your prayers mean so much. I am praying for a miraculous transformation. Thank you.

  26. Their father can you pray for healing in my health mental Health and physical and the same for my family and to protect us from all evil and addictions and also please pray for work to come my way in our family and our family tree for peace and love and happiness copious pleasing workmy family’s and for all our can you just pray for my mum she just got over cervix cancer and got the all clear please pray for God to help her and strengthen and keep clear of this and I also pray for my uncle who just surgery for his heart please pray for God to give him a good recovery he is in hospital some and pray for his family to have love and peace in their heart towards our family sorry about this been so long but we are in need of your prayer thank you very much we will remember you in our prayers

  27. Hello Father, I would like to know how can I do to celebrate a generational healing mass since we live in Miami
    Thank you

  28. Dear Father Stefan,
    I have been searching for a healing Masses for my sister-in-law who lives outside of Charlottesville. She has bone cancer and cancer of the liver. While she does not attend Mass, for her love for me she told me that she would go to a Mass if it was not too far from her. Your name came up for me a few times in my searches for healing Masses in Va, and I see that you, like Father Hampsch, who I admire, do Masses in healing the family tree. Joanne needs a miracle, and we all love her so much. Do you ever travel to the Charlottesville area for healing Masses, and if you do will it be in the near future? Thank you Father. If you don’t do you know of any Charismatic priests in that area who may be a help for Joanne. Thank you again.

    1. Dear Father,
      Joanne will not be able to attend the Mass at St. Timothy’s. She is getting chemo that day. If you may please remember her at your Mass and our family for we are having said three Masses of healing of the family tree by Father Hampsch the 2nd , 3rd, and 4th, hopefully things will change. Things are becoming urgent for Joanne and problems in my life and family. My spiritual level is not what it use to be, but I’m trying. How may I send money for your ministry? I read your book and bought it for others and it brought us joy. Thank you.

  29. Dear Father Stefan, I am happy to have discovered your website. I am suffering very bad pain in my muscles and cannot move without pain. And also one of my hip joints is damaged, but I do not want to have a surgery. Please pray for me for a healing miracle. Thank you.
    I will order your book and am so curious to read it.

  30. Please help me father. I suffer with the bill attaining headaches I’ve had some domestic violence for the last 7 years 20 47 around the clock I suffer from chemical sensitivity so I can take nothing for bein please help me Father please. I feel that there’s a spiritual block around me. Please father i suffer 24/7

  31. How can I request a Mass for intergenerational healing for a friend who lives in Baltimore, Maryland? Thank you very much.

    1. Father John Hampsch, who has a website of catholicbooks.net, has a book on healing the family tree, a prayer on his website for healing, and through his website or mail Masses may be requested for healing. Father’s office will contact you to let you know when the Mass or Masses will be. They have always been for me right away. Father is a Claretian missionary.

  32. Hello Father Stefan. I am currently reading your book Miracles and I want you to know that I love it and it has blessed me so much. I am asking for prayer for my Grandma whom has a tumor in her left arm. She was diagnosed with breast cancer twice; once in 2003 then again in 2005. She had the port put in and later decided to not have any treatments. She prayed for God to heal her and HE DID! Please pray with US so that God will heal her body AGAIN! I also ask for prayer for my Best Friend who has got to have brain surgery for the 4th time due to a tumor on her pituitary gland. She is a single mom who has a 12 year old daughter. Thank you for this website and thank you for praying for people. May God Bless you Father.


  33. Father Stefan:

    I am currently reading your Miracles book (a friend of mine’s copy) and I Love it. Asking for prayer for my 85 year young Grandmother who recently found out she has a tumor in left arm. She had breast cancer 11-13 years ago and had no chemo or radiation; she will tell you her Faith in God got her through it and that God healed her then. Praying that God will heal her again. Thank you so much and God Bless.


    Was wondering if there is any chance you were going to be any where near Georgia in the future?

  34. Father Stefan,
    just finished your book. I liked it very much. Gave it to a co-worker to read.
    I have a favor to ask you: my grandson who is 5 years old has asthma. he is in pre-k now, but seems to pick up every bug there is out there. and of course it settles in his lungs. could you please pray for him, so he will not get sick all the time, that his immune system gets stronger!! also my sister is taking care of her grandchildren who both have epileptic seizures and are also constantly sick. please pray for them also!!! as for me, i lost my husband last year. it was very sudden and i find myself being depressed and afraid all the time. Please pray for me also, so that i can find peace!! He was only 60 when he died, so naturally i have a hard time coping with it!!
    thank you so much for your prayers, i will in return pray for you also!!!

  35. Fr Stefan, congrats on the book!

    Our son has ear issues and hopefully it will work itself out. If you can find it in your heart to offer him a prayer of healing that would be appreciated!

    Thank you and God Bless!

  36. Dear Fr Stefan,
    Please pray for my daughter Julie that the Lord will heal her completely. Her weight has dropped 40% for the 3rd time in 11 years and not eating well. We are deeply grieved.
    Thank you and God Bless

  37. Hello Fr. Stefan ~ I was wondering if you have a schedule where you will be giving retreats and also wondering if you give missions to churches. If so our church would be very interested in having you give a mission during Advent or Lent. I look forward to hearing from you and may God continue to bless you and the wonderful work you do. You are definitely doing God’s work. Blessings ~ Gretchen

  38. Hello FatherI just purchased your book online. I saw in a flier that you will be at our parish next weekend SFX Phoenix AZ. I’m really looking forward to it! Please pray for healing my illnesses of: body, mind, emotions, and spirit! I haven’t felt good for a long time.
    May God reward you!
    Ms Stanley

  39. Father Stefan,

    A little over 2 years ago I broke the pinky toe on my right foot and the break was a really bad one. Originally the doctors thought I would need to have it surgically pinned, but when I was referred to another doctor, she told me she didn’t think surgery was necessary and told me not to even bother using crutches. She just buddy taped the broken toe to the toe next to it. The toe did heal, but for some reason the top of the toe (above where it broke) kept twisting as I walked and caused me pain everyday.

    I went to another doctor and he said the only thing that could be done was to remove the middle joint of the toe and let the two bones next to the joint fuse to become one bone in order to stabilize the toe. Ever since the day I broke my toe I have been begging God to cure it and make it the way it was before I broke it so it would be as if I never broke it. I was very worried when this new doctor said this fusion surgery was all that could be done because that would mean that I would not be able to bend my toe once it recovered from the surgery.

    Several of my doctor’s appointments fell on feast days of the Blessed Mother, and this coupled with other signs from God, I decided to have the surgery done. I was still extremely worried though because I knew I wouldn’t be able to bend my toe after the surgery. I begged God to make the joint grow back in a way that would keep the toe straight and without pain but still able to bend (basically the way it was before I broke it to begin with). I asked Him for a sign that He would do this for me and He did give me one.

    Now that I got the surgery, however, I cannot bend my toe and I am very worried that I will be stuck with this weird toe for the rest of my life. I was very confident that God would cure it for me, but now I am thinking I may have misinterpreted the sign He gave me. I am very confused because I asked Him very specifically for what I wanted and He gave me a sign very quickly but now I’m not sure if He is going to cure my toe.

    I have been asking the Holy Spirit to tell me if God will restore my toe to the way it was before I broke it, but I am not hearing His voice in my head and I assume it is because I am not holy enough. Could you please ask the Holy Spirit if God will cure my toe to the way it was before I broke it so that it is straight, it can bend, and that there is no pain?

    I would really appreciate it if you could tell me any word of knowledge that you receive from God.

    1. Thank you so much! It’s so great to have someone holy like you to pray for me. Please write back here if the Holy Spirit tells you anything about my situation in your prayers. I will pray for you too. I refuse to give up hope that God will cure me.

  40. Fr, Stefan,
    Please pray for my son who has melanoma and possibly carcinoid cancer too. He is in agony with the health problems. He is certain he will die soon. He lives with me and takes care of me . I have had several strokes and need my son. Please pray for his healing and conversion.
    Thank You

  41. Fr. Stefan,
    I am praying to Father Baker for a cure
    of a lung problem that I have. It’s called
    Fibrosis and it makes it very difficult
    to breathe. I need to use Oxygen 24/7
    and even with that I cannot walk for
    long periods of time. I am weak and tired
    most of the time. I have never smoked
    and the doctors don’t know why I have
    this. Father Stefan, please ask
    Father Baker for a cure with me!
    I feel so desperate–I have been this
    way for 2 years!!
    Thank you so much and I will pray
    for you too.
    Katherine Werick

  42. Dear Father Stefan,

    Every now and then I think about my beginnings. My mother was sent to Our Lady of Victory Home for Unwed Mothers back in 1950. After she gave birth to me, she left. Six months later, she retrieved me from the home. The story about my birth trickled out. Naturally it was a family secret. I learned a tiny bit of truth at age 18, again at age 24, and then much later in my 40s.

    Growing up, I was mentally slow, with a very low IQ, barely literate through high school. I felt stuck inside myself, trapped. When I was of legal age, I left home. I gave birth to a son early, also, and I did what I could to raise him. The church was no longer able to comfort me. Even so, my faith was well established. Later I learned to meditate. To think of others. To forgive others and myself.

    In 2004 I took a trip to Buffalo to visit a very sick brother. Driving in to town, I had made a wrong turn and ended up driving right by Our Lady of Victory church. Imagine early morning, the sun had just come up, and I was at a red light, tired from the solo drive from Florida. I looked to my right and the sun hit the church sign. I couldn’t believe it. My first view of the place where my physical life began. This was all unplanned, on my part. I parked and entered the church. What a beautiful building! When the Home’s office opened I went in, told them I was born there, and asked to see any photos from 1950 so that I could somehow connect. They were a bit cool, even standoffish, but then brought out a dozen or so large photos to show me. It was all so long ago, yet vaguely familiar, those images.

    In my 30s, during a difficult marriage, I used to have sonic memories, of babies crying and wailing, which usually happened when I was in the middle of an upset. I’d tell my then husband, the babies are crying again. Little did I know it was a memory of my first days at the Home.

    During my visit to Our Lady of Victory office that morning in 2004, I asked about meeting any of the Sisters who worked there when I was there. No, I was told, not with Fr. Baker’s perspective canonization. Disappointed, but no longer easily upset, I moved on, left and visited my brother.

    There must be thousands like me, some who didn’t get reunited with their mothers, others like me who did. 1950 was a difficult post war time, and women were cruelly judged for having children outside of marriage. Now that I’m in my 60s, it seems like a story I once read. I can recall sitting in a high chair, seeing babies near me sitting in their high chairs. Perhaps all waiting for their meal. Perhaps my slowness was due to being exposed to children who were born lacking mental abilities? It’s hard to say. Years later, I went to college, earned a BA and MS. I still feel amazed to pick up a book and read it and understand.

    In life, we are all interconnected, no matter what path, socioeconomic status, whatever. I am so grateful that Father Baker created the home so that my mother could rest there while she was pregnant. She was given such a hard time for getting pregnant. The man who is my biological father didn’t want to meet me; nor did his legal son, who I wrote to recently to introduce myself. He was born within a couple months of me–a half brother. These things don’t matter. Loving oneself and others around you is the thing, and a sure sign of grace. It’s easy to do, once one gives up the mountain of expectations about how others’ should be. Getting there is a lifelong journey.

    Becoming peaceful inside, this cannot be “proven” like a physical miracle, but it is for me the greatest event of my life. And I feel certain that Fr. Baker and many others who have helped are responsible for this clearing of emotional and mental debris. I wanted to share this with you, and wish you all the best on your journey of life, of service, and of joy.

    WIshing you a rain of roses~Your sister in God.

  43. Father Stefan,

    Olivia says “Hello.” She is now in 3rd grade. Thank you for continuing to pray for her. Her eyes are correcting still. Her Dr. is being promoted, which he well deserves. I believe your prayers and healing worked and continue to work. Please keep her brother, Gary, in your prayers. He was recently assaulted in VA due to mistaken identity and being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He is healing but pray for his physical and emotional healing and the same for our family. Please pray that the horrible 6 boys that did this meet Justice very soon. His doctor said that Gary had a Guardian Angel watching over him. This could have ended much differently. Again, I pray for Justice and that these evil boys who repeatedly beat him are put away!

  44. Dear father Stephan:
    I have a question all my life I have heard that we as christian must do God’s will but I just don’t understand what does it really mean. Does it mean to leave everything and stop what are you doing and do nothing and let go of what. We as human have responsabilities and need to have a job pay bills,etc,etc. Then what does it mean do God’s will I was not thought to do that from when I was a child and though I am grown up I do want with all my heart to do God’s will in my life. One thing I must mention here is that I do spend as much as I can in front of the blessed sacrament and there I ask but I am confused. Can you help me please. Thank you and God bless you father.

  45. I am from the Island of Aruba (Dutch Caribbean).
    And I would like to know how I can send my Genogram to be prayed over during the Intergenerational Healing Mass.
    As of now I have not been able to find a priest who is open for this, so I’m asking you, knowing also about your ministry and the gifts of healing during your Intergenerational Healing Masses.

  46. We are a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community.

    Your web site offered us with valuable information to work on.

    You’ve done an impressive job and our entire community will be thankful to you.

  47. This is Mary Ryan’s (St . Patrick’s in Fredericksburg)daughter-in -law, Tam Mai-Ryan I would like to confirm that there is a a healing Mass on Sat?

  48. Hi Father Stefan my name is Pasita and I am from Cape Town South Africa, I have just finished reading your book Miracles, Healing for a Broken World and must say that it is a wonderful book and truly a blessing to read. Father have you ever thought of coming to South Africa as we would love to have you here and for you to have a healing mass for us. Please let me know when your new book comes out. May God bless you abundantly and may you continue doing the wonderful work for our Lord Jesus.

  49. Your comments about the healing of the heart struck a special chord at last week’s healing mass. My mother-in-law (now deceased) used to say, “Bless your heart”, a verbal hug to anyone in need of some praise or encouragement. It described her life of kindness. After a long separation from my daughter and her family, my husband responded to our daughter in an e-mail with the same phrase — totally spontaneous. Your homily rang with the same “blessings and heart” so loudly that I was breathless! When we deny the “heart” we reject the unconditional love God showers on us ; it is the model for our love here on earth. Just as we need the heart to live, to pump life thru the body, we need to accept the “heart” of our spiritual life to survive. Thanks, Fr. Stefan for helping me heal my heart.
    You inspire and comfort me one small miracle at a time.
    Ironwoman Care

  50. Generational Healing Mass was great! We need to spread the word about healing of the generations. Great Homily. Blessings!

  51. Thank You Father Stephan for all the articles from Let the Fire Fall.
    I truly enjoy reading them. It’s like a personal message from our God to us about the Third Person of the Holy Trinity.
    You have educated me about the graces from the Holy Spirit and I thank you for that.
    May the Holy Spirit shower your with many Graces through Our Blessed Mother Mary.
    God Bless you,

  52. Thank You Fr. Stephan for all that you do. I first met you when you came to the FC-ADC to conduct Mass and hear confessions. You told everyone that we were all going to Heaven and to open our hearts to the receive the Holy Spirit. You gave us all a reason for being and hope for our futures.

    I recently attended your healing Mass and could truly feel the Holy Spirit in the room. I’m a diabetic but I found myself asking the Holy Spirit to heal all the other people who were in attendance. Your selflessness helped me forget about my own infirmities and realize I had much more to be thankful for. God Bless You and may the Holy Spirit continue to work miracles through your efforts.

  53. Father Stefan,
    John Burkhalter, one of your parishioners, gave me your wonderful book entitled Miracles, Healing for a Broken World, after I was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma. It was a comforting book and wanted to thank you for writing it. I am very interested in the Healing Mass that you conduct monthly but have not been invited by Mr. Burkhalter, after many hints that I would like to attend. I live in Richmond and Bracey, VA. I wondered if you could pray for my healing without my presence? I am still, after two surgeries, undergoing extensive treatment at UVa. Looking forward to your next book!

    Boop Hudgins

    1. Boop,

      I hope this finds you doing well with your cancer treatment.
      I’ve never been to Father Stefan’s healing masses, either, but hope to get to one in January. I live a couple hrs. to the east, on Md’s eastern shore.
      I WILL pray for you when I get there and, of course, even right now.
      Are you too ill to travel? I’m assuming you’re not able to drive the distance from Richmond to Fairfax due to your illness?
      Please email me, at your convenience, at: elizabethLvandee@aol.com
      Perhaps we can figure out a way to get to one of the healing masses together.
      I’m a 57-year old woman with a 16-year old car, but, like me, she’s peppy and full of spunk!
      God Bless You!

  54. Thank you Father Stefan for” Trusting in Jesus ” and Thank you for enabling me to
    “Trust in Jesus” as a result of the beautiful Healing Mass on Sept. 11. … The Grace and Love of God is all that is necessary and I am truly grateful…
    Blessings, Lynn

  55. Thanks Fr Stefan, for a wonderful healing service last Sat!! The Holy Spirit was truly present and my family has received healing and graces since then… praise God!

  56. Father Stefan,

    I attended your healing service last night and felt the Holy Spirit’s healing power. Thank you and Thank You Jesus!!!!

  57. Hi Father Stefan… blessings from your deacon in Arizona. I miss our connections and e-chats, although I know well how busy you are and remain. Please let’s stay in touch and I look forward to a visit from you in AZ and/or when the next priest/deacon/seminarian conference in OH takes place. Blessings again. deacon tom

  58. I attended your healing service last night 9/11/2010 and was very moved and joyed by the Love and infusion of the Holy Spirit in the room. You are truly a gift from GOD with the Hope and faith that you offer. Something that slipped my mind till this very moment is that it was my clean and sober date from a lifelong drug addiction that GOD released me from in 2001. I am glad that GOD arranged it for me to spend it at your service. I truly walked away a better person!

  59. Even though I’ve never met you, I love you in Christ. I pray that God’s love, mercy, and healing will continue to flow through you. May the Holy Spirit bless you and fill you with his presence, strengthen you with his power, and comfort you with his tenderness. You’re an awesome testament to God’s love for us all. Thank you for all you do.


  60. Thank you for accepting us into church through a series of dreams of our lady.
    You have shown us the Light, the one true living God, Jesus Christ! when we were in darkness.
    You have shown us the way, when we were surrounded with so many obstacles and disturbances in life in our conversion journey from Hinduism to Catholicism.
    We feel very honored, thankful and blessed to have you as our priest…

    1. Hello kumar, good to hear about your testimony. Are u from Andhra? I am a catholic priest from Guntur, now in USA. God bless you

  61. Thank you Father for being part of all our lives at St. Mary’s. You have kept the spirit flowing and have given so many wonderful sermons that really make sense. I pray for you everyday and hope that you stay with us here at St. Mary’s for a long time coming. Your Healing book was just great. Looking forward to reading the new one coming out.

  62. Father Thank you so much for your site. This old world needs so much healing, people are running in so many directions when all they should do is fall onto their knees!
    I know you will touch many and have already! I will remember to pray for your ministry daily!

  63. Such a great Website, you are truly a gift from God. I have ordered your Miracle book
    Can’t wait to get it. Am truly looking forward to the next one. May you be blessed as you bless all.

  64. Dear Father Stephan, Love your knew Website, it is a joy to be able to write to you and learn from you. I am ordering your book and can’t wait for the knew one to come out. I enjoyed learning about your life and know I’m growing in a most Godly positive way by your guidance. You are God’s gift to all of us, we are so blessed to have you in our lives.

  65. Dear Father Stephan:
    Thank you so much for giving us access to your new website! I hardly know what to say except you give all of us encouragement in your homilies and prayer services.
    God bless you.
    Mary & Bob

  66. Fr. Stefan, I am looking forward for your new book, “Let God surprise you” and also expecting God’s surprises everyday!! Keep up your great work!

    1. Good day father

      I would like to send you my family tree so it can be placed at the alter when you do the healing masses. Please kindly provide me with the email address to send this too.

      I also want to pray for a marriage partner for myself. I am aged 30 and have no prospects or potential prospects

  67. Thank you Father Stefan for being our Shepard. There is may sheep with many walks of life you minister to. May the Precious Blood of Jesus cover your Spirit, mind, body and soul and all that you do in your ministery.

    Mother Mary lead us to your Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity in all we live in our families, and sheep of this Shepard. Amen

    I dont know if me previous mail disappeard or not, so dont be surprised if there is one similar to this. This email sites are tricky.
    Geralyn and Rich and families

  68. Very nice website, Fr Stefan. I am going to forward to a few of our mutual friends. Interesting to find out some background info about you, but we have to read between the lines to see how friendly you are and supportive of each and every group and person at St Marys.

  69. Love the new website Father! We know you will continue to be blessed and continue the blessing. You are truly a gift from God and I am lucky to call you my friend!!!

  70. Thanks you for writing the Miracles Book…..it was a wonderful book to read and enjoy. Gave it to my daughter……..she in turn will pass it to her husband. Can t wait till your next book…. The Holy Spirit is responsible for me getting this book. My priest said a Sat morning Mass last week to open your hearts to the Holy Spirit and He will change your life…………left mass and had an overwhelming desire to go to the book store……..it was not in my plan for the day to go but I did………and long story short………found your book and I knew I was meant to take it home………..Thank you again………Lynn

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