Father Bob reflection from “Soul Institute” Renewal of Parish just finished typing whole thing

"Let the Fire Fall"

Last April all the priests of the diocese gather for a few day after Easter for human and spiritual formation. One of the speaker was a Jesuit priest. I remember him saying that he was in charge of making sure that everything that came from the US Bishop Conference was doctrinal sound. He also apologize for having back pain.

During his talk I turned to the priest next to me and said, “He is giving a teaching from Father Bob.” When he was done I went up to him and said, “Were you giving a teaching from Father Bob?” He said, “Yes, How did you know?” I told him that I meet Father Bob twice on a charismatic retreat, and was always profoundly moved by his teaching. I told him that I pray to Father Bob to pray for me and to teach me from Heaven. When I left I…

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