Is life meant to be hard?

Is life meant to be hard! Jesus said ‘Unless you become like little children’ For children life is not hard! Or should not be! Living should be natural! To live life should be the most natural thing in the world. I do not think God intended life to be hard! In fact ‘ Our hearts and minds are meant to show us what to do.’ Why do I write this…because I don’t find life easy..In fact it feels most of time like walking up a hill in mud. But that being said. I do think God intended life to be easy. What I mean is that God intended living life to fullness was meant to cone easy.. to be the most natural thing in the world. That is party what Jesus meant ‘Unless you become like a little child.’ Yes a child has it easier in that they do don’t have to hold down a job or raise a family. But the principle is the same. When Jesus calls us to have a child heart. Jesus is telling us ‘ He meant life to be easy and natural’ Jesus there are trial thorns in life. But even on that Jesus wanted us to experience life as easy and natural. St Therese said ‘when we love all things are easy’ She also said ‘I no longer suffer because I have come to love suffering’ As if St Therese little way was to discover that Jesus her spouse wanted to make her way easy. I do think Jesus intended living life to be the easiest and most natural thing in the world. That Jesus intended life to be easy. Again this is coming from a person who rarely experience life as easy. But I do think Jesus intended life to be easy even in our suffering and pain.

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